Amazing Scientific miracle from Quran

I came across an amazing scientific miracle in the Qur'an, it's in Surah Al Maryam...

When a Mother is giving birth it can be the most painful period in her life, its not easy.

Now when Maryam peace be upon her was (pregnant with Isa Aliyhis salam (Jesus) going through such pain, Allah in the Qur'an orders her to go near a stream of water, You have to listen carefully to the science of this verses, Allah tells her to go near a stream of water where next to it is a Palm tree, Allah instructs her to shake the palm tree and keep pulling down from trunks of the palm tree, so the dates can fall down for her.

Some may ask why is Allah telling us about the palm tree, the stream of water and the dates? Why did Allah not just simply tell us that she gave birth to Jesus (peace be upon him) and that's it, why all these details??

Now here is the miracle, Firstly Allah tells her to shake the palm tree and keep pulling, some hospitals until very recently when a Mother is about to give birth, there is something they will tell her to hold on to and they tell her to keep pulling it back so it eases labour pain and muscle tension.

Then Allah tells her to cool herself with water, there are modern hospitals today that tell pregnant women to sit in cool water as it will help them give birth,

Then Allah tells her in the Qur'an that when she has relaxed in the water it will make her birth pain easier but he also tells her to straight away to eat the dates that fall...

Now one may ask why did Allah instruct her to eat the dates? This is because dates contain within them easily absorb-able sugars which help the heat and the movement and these sugars are of the fructose type which help raise the blood pressure.

So the methods Hospitals are using today to ease birth pains, Allah has hinted in the #Quran 1400 years back....#SubhanAllah

Copied from Turn to Allah


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